Proactol Plus Studies

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Effects Of Patented Fibre Complex Of Opuntia Ficus Indica On The Binding Of Non-Specific Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Bile Salts And Acids

In addition to the fat absorption properties of a patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica, the effect on the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as on bile salts and acid were examined in vitro and in a clinical pre-study.

Vitamins A and E:
The fat binding product patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica was added to a mixture of sunflower oil ProactolPlus is proven to workcontaining approximately the recommended daily nutritional amount of vitamins A and E. The test was performed under conditions (aqueous phase, temperature, pH) comparable with those of the digestive tract.

Patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica interacts with the fat content and decreases the quantity of fat remaining in the medium. By analysing the vitamins in each remaining fatty phase the capacity of patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica to bind specifically to fat-soluble vitamins can be evaluated.

The results of the in vitro tests show that patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica does not bind to fat-soluble vitamins A and E in a specific manner. This is supported by a clinical pre-study. In conclusion, the product does not pose a risk to vitamin levels.

Bile salts and acids:
The effect of fibre, compared to fat, is its ability to initially interact and, if required, bind to bile salts. Bile salts are necessary to emulsify the nutritional fat so that it can be transformed into fatty acids by the pancreatic lipase. Bile salts have also an accelerating effect on the transit time. Bile acids, cholic acid and its derivatives are derived from cholesterol. In the bile, they are combined with taurine or glycine to increase their hydrophile and emulsifying

Colon bacteria separate the cholic acid and its combined amino acid, It is through this process that bile acids come to be found in the stool. The majority of bile salts are reabsorbed at the end of the small intestines and returned to the liver by blood circulation before they are re-excreted. The pool of bile salts is small (2 to 4 g) but the entheropatic cycle allows for a flow of 12 to 40 g/24 hours in the intestines.

The concentration of the bile acids is measured on freeze-drying stool samples. The results show that the patented fibre complex from Opuntia ficus indica collects some of the bile acids and makes them unavailable for digestion of lipids by pancreatic lipase.

Source: Proactol Plus Official Website


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Report On Fat Binding Capacity Of a Patented Fibre Complex Of Opuntia Ficus Indica In Presence Of An American Breakfast

The aim of the study was to determine the fat binding behaviour of the patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica, added to an American breakfast, during passage through the gastric and small intestinal model. The experiments were performed under the average conditions of the gastrointestinal tract as described for healthy young adults after the intake of a breakfast.

The set-points in the computer protocol dictated the transport of the meal, secretion rates and pH values for each compartment in time. A specific absorption system is used to remove products of lipid digestion and lipophilic compounds that are incorporated in mixed micelles. The removed material was collected to determine the bio accessible fraction. The tests were performed in duplicate, for 4 hours.

The efficacy of patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica to bind fat was tested by measuring the bio-accessible lipid fraction at the dosage of 2g of patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica preliminary mixed with sunflower oil (3g), and added to an American breakfast.The results confirm properties patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica, so confirming previous results obtained with the same TNO model.

Actually, associated with an American breakfast intake, the patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica absorbs about 23% of total fatty acids compared to a control. This study is particularly interesting because the fat binding capacity of patented fibre complex of Opuntia ficus indica is confirmed when the fibre complex is added to a complex food formula, the FDA American breakfast.

Source: Proactol Plus Official Website

With 6 pre-clinical and clinical studies, it has proven beyond question that it works and because of this, Proactol Plus has become the number one choice for those people who wants to lose weight effectively. In adition, powerful testimonials, before and after success and a first choice ranking on literally hundreds of blogs and review sites, has more than established its effectiveness.



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